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What should be paid attention to in the production of PFS

TIME:2023-07-21 17:33:03SOURCE:admin

Polymerized ferric sulfate is an excellent water purification agent. Sometimes, when water purification manufacturers produce polymerized ferric sulfate, combustion and explosion will occur. What causes this?


Generally speaking, as long as the production of PFS is carried out according to the relevant requirements, the phenomenon of combustion and explosion will not occur. So how can PFS not explode in production? First of all, PFS needs to control the explosion concentration of indoor combustible gas in production, which can effectively prevent explosion. In the production of PFS, the reaction temperature should have the corresponding standard. If the temperature is too high, the activity of the molecule will be improved and the accident of combustion and explosion will occur easily. In the production of PFS, it is necessary to maintain the pressure in the gas chamber. The pressure affects the distance between molecules. The smaller the distance is, the higher the explosion concentration is, and the greater the risk of explosion is. In the interaction with combustible gas in the gas chamber, explosion is very easy to occur.


Therefore, the production of PFS must strictly follow the relevant data to avoid unnecessary accidents. Because of the difference of the production process of PFS, in the production of each process, we need to determine the corresponding data in the production according to our own actual situation.

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What should be paid attention to in the production of PFS

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