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Some skills of product quality judgment of polyaluminum chloride

TIME:2023-07-21 17:33:25SOURCE:admin

 The product quality of polyaluminum chloride has always been a concern of people, so how can we roughly understand the product quality of polyaluminum chloride without laboratory testing? There are some very practical techniques.


Polyaluminum chloride is mostly produced with hydrochloric acid, bauxite, calcium aluminate powder and other raw materials. The cost of polyaluminum chloride is low due to the variety and low price of raw materials. In particular, hydrochloric acid, one of the raw materials for polyaluminum chloride production, is indispensable, and the quality of hydrochloric acid is closely related to the cost and quality of polyaluminum chloride. The polyaluminum chloride produced by industrial hydrochloric acid used by some manufacturers tends to be brown, while the polyaluminum chloride produced by high-quality hydrochloric acid is beige or bright yellow, and the product quality is high. Therefore, in most cases, we can judge the quality of PAC according to the color of PAC.


The water-insoluble matter of polyaluminum chloride is an important factor affecting the quality of polyaluminum chloride. To preliminarily judge the quality of polyaluminum chloride, we can take a small amount of polyaluminum chloride and dissolve it in water, and then observe the transparency of the aqueous solution of polyaluminum chloride. The monthly clarity of the aqueous solution of polyaluminum chloride indicates that the less water-insoluble substances in polyaluminum chloride, the higher the product quality of polyaluminum chloride.

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Some skills of product quality judgment of polyaluminum chloride

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