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How to clean the polyacrylamide on clothes

TIME:2023-07-21 17:32:57SOURCE:admin

Polyacrylamide is one of the widely used water purification agents, which has a great viscosity. How to clean when it is accidentally touched on clothes and body?


Polyacrylamide itself and its aqueous solution are not toxic, so this is not to worry about, but the high viscosity of polyacrylamide will lead to its long time to dissolve in water. If it is washed with water, it will not only take time and effort, but also waste a lot of water resources. Fortunately, polyacrylamide does not harm clothes. Polyacrylamide will degrade when it encounters strong acid and strong alkali, which is one of the reasons why polyacrylamide can not treat strong acid or alkali wastewater. High temperature can accelerate the degradation of polyacrylamide, and the degradation of polyacrylamide solution will occur if it is placed in the air for too long, and the viscosity will be lost. But this does not mean that acid or alkali can be strengthened or cleaned with high temperature water during cleaning. Because strong acid and high temperature have great harm to clothing, it can not be used to clean skin too. So the best cleaning method of polyacrylamide is to put it for 2 to 3 days and then clean. The polyacrylamide on the skin can also be cleaned with water with higher temperature or alkaline soap.

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How to clean the polyacrylamide on clothes

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